Summer is a time to rest, but since it is also the time of the year with the most free time, why not invest some of that time in learning? We provide you with 4 books to help you learn more about the Order to Cash process.
What is Order to Cash?
Order to Cash covers all the processes and steps that must be carried out from the time a customer places an order until payment is received. Among these processes we find what employees must do at each moment: from the issuance of the payment order, when the payment is received or when the entire sales process is completed.
It is especially important to have a perfect knowledge of the entire process in order to carry it out correctly and thus meet the customer’s expectations. Any failure in the chain of steps will be reflected at the time of delivery or collection of the order.
Some of the failures that can occur are, for example, double entry of orders, delays in the delivery of the shipment and/or collection, or orders and invoices that do not match. To simplify this process, it is necessary for the company to know what is happening at all times. The more digital the processes are, the less room for error and the less supervision the whole chain needs.
To explore these ideas further, we present 4 books that may be useful to learn more about the OTC process.
1. From Order to Cash, by Decision INC.
In this book you will be able to learn how to free up your cash to empower your company. To outperform your competitors, you will need to impose RPA, robotic process automation, from start to finish. This book, which is available in electronic version, will take you through the Order to Cash process, and the measures to implement in order to reduce possible human errors and simplify the process as much as possible.
2. Understanding Lead To Cash, by Durga Timmaraju
Companies that ship products to their customers carry out a series of business processes to fulfill these orders. This is known as Order to Cash. Before orders are even placed, the customer, in this case potential, must be identified and nurtured to become a customer. This takes place in the Lead to Quote (LTQ) area. This book explains it perfectly and is aimed at both business users and consultants.
3. Implementing Order to Cash Process in SAP, by Chandrakant Agarwal
Thanks to this book you will be able to implement in the most effective way possible the use of SAP systems, pre-sales activities, order processing, shipping and invoicing in your business. The different uses of SAP system that the book reviews are: SAP CRM, SAP Advanced Planning and Optimisation (APO), SAP Transportation Management System (TMS), SAP Logistics Execution System (LES) and SAP Enterprise Core Component (ECC). You will learn how the different systems are integrated and linked together. By the end of the book, you will know in depth the different SAP systems and how they work. In addition, all of them are compatible with Atlax 360’s OTC Yndika process optimisation platform.
4. A modern fable about leadership in business and life, by Robin Sharma.
Robin Sharma is one of the most recognized leadership consultants in international demand. He has worked in companies such as Microsoft, Nike, or NASA. In this fable, Robin shares his formula for business success so that you can help your company reach its highest goals. What the author is after with this book is for readers to reach goals they never expected to reach, to seek motivation and go beyond their limitations.
Optimisation (APO), SAP Transportation Management System (TMS), SAP Logistics Execution System (LES) and SAP Enterprise Core Component (ECC). You will learn how the different systems are integrated and linked together. By the end of the book, you will know in depth the different SAP systems and how they work. In addition, all of them are compatible with Atlax 360’s OTC Yndika process optimisation platform.4. A modern fable about leadership in business and life, by Robin Sharma.Robin Sharma is one of the most recognized leadership consultants in international demand. He has worked in companies such as Microsoft, Nike, or NASA. In this fable, Robin shares his formula for business success so that you can help your company reach its highest goals. What the author is after with this book is for readers to reach goals they never expected to reach, to seek motivation and go beyond their limitations.”I wrote the book in fable form to bring to life the process of leading without charge. My goal was to share the tactics that lead to success in a fun and entertaining way that would be useful and inspire readers. This book is about the ability we all have to be leaders but also about the responsibility to always work to our full potential to make a difference in the lives of those around us” – Robin Sharma.