Monitor the behaviour of your entire customer portfolio in times of volatility.

There is a long period of uncertainty between sale and collection. This involves 30-60-90 days where all kinds of events could occur that will determine the present and future relationship with your debtor; both in terms of collection and possible sales. Your team needs to be prepared.

Portfolio segmentation.

Dynamic monitoring groups will allow you to focus your attention on where the risk is in order to target your organisation. There are too many active customers and these have to be efficiently covered by small local teams.

Real-time risk indicators.

Every day, your entire portfolio is analysed by our risk indicators using machine learning techniques. This will allow you to find patterns of behaviour among your customers and detect those that are going to become a problem months before they occur.

Early warning system.

Select the really relevant alerts that make you change the view you have of a customer, each with its own action plan. Ensure that these notifications reach the person responsible for the account, regardless of the country they are in.

“Atlax 360 allowed us to include the 4.0 revolution in our processes. The process is dynamic, which allows us to periodically follow up on the behaviour of our customers, advancing action plans, or promoting customers that show indicators that are within the metrics and strategy predefined by our company.”
Tecno fast

Guillermo Berguecio

Assistant Manager of Administration and Finance Tecnofast

Your entire portfolio under control.


Countries, clusters, organisational units, etc. Each team will monitor its portfolio independently, but will also have a single, fully standardised and comparable view of its portfolio for corporate control. Wherever your customers are, you will always have an objective approach to them.

Prioritisation of actions.

Focus your efforts on those customers who deserve it. Either because they are critical to your business, because of their size or simply because they are customers that are growing too fast and need more control. Yndika’s dynamic monitoring groups help you to be concerned only when necessary.

The best information.

Daily monitoring by Atlax 360’s Artificial Intelligence built indicators with their own information, continuously updated and feeding the predictive model.

Proactive management thanks to an advanced alert system.


Each of Atlax 360’s customers has a different situation and each will be interested in very different events for each of their lines of business. Yndika allows you to alert exclusively on what concerns you

Easy management.

There are specific events that make us see our debtors in a different light. These events can be quickly located, shared with your organisation and archived for future reference.

Action plan.

Each alert has to lead to a concrete action with our customer to be useful. With Yndika, design customised action plans for each alert and ensure that the user will receive new notifications and their to-do list on a daily basis.

Most of the follow-up teams’ time is spent managing large issues with large customers. Our customers have portfolios with thousands of customers. With Yndika, you can anticipate problems across your entire portfolio so that you can address them while they are still manageable.

Proactive management.

Customers do not become a problem overnight. There are always small changes (imperceptible to observers) that are only detectable by our intelligent algorithm trained to find unusual patterns of behaviour that indicate relevant changes in the medium term.

Improved portfolio performance.

Yndika’s customers have seen their main KPIs improve, with an average increase in credit sales of 3%, and an average reduction in default rate of 25%.

Connection with your ERP / CRM

The daily review of the indicators will allow the whole organisation to be aligned with customer risk and to act in a coordinated manner.